tiistai 28. maaliskuuta 2017


My favorite scene

My favorite scene is the ending battle. Its epic and it has a lot of exciting moments. The soliders use a lot of improvised weapons that dont all work too well. Allso Miller, Stanley and Daniel all die in this scene which is very dramatic. Here is what happens.

Millers squad has found Ryan but he refuses to leave. Miller and Ryan make a deal where Ryan leaves if Miller and his men defend a critical bridge with him. Everyone starts preparing for the defence. They rig the bridge with TNT so if enemy tanks get to close they can blow them up. They drive a german half-track at the enemy and then lure them back to their position. When the enemies are close they start fireing with their machineguns and try to destroy the tank with sticky bombs. Daniel gets killed by a tank and a german solider stabs Stanley with a knife.

At the end they all get behind the bridge and try to blow it up but the detonator is broken. Miller gets hit by a tank shell but survives. He shoots the tank with his pistol but it does nothing. Then a squad of close air support planes arrive and bomb the tank. Miller tells Ryan to earn this by living a good life.

The most memorable scene 

The most memorable scene is the D Day scene. Its the movies most known part and its really well made. Its preatty realistic and it depicts the horrors of war.

It starts with us marines and rangers in boats. They are really affraid for what will happen when they get on the beach. On the beach there is a small force of germans in good machinegun positions. When one of the boats stop and the boats door opens a swarm of bullets hit the boat killing everybone inside. The marines swarm the beach and slowly move up to the billboxes. They take them out and capture the beach.

The worst scene

The worst scene is where they are staying at a house for the night. They talk about stuff but everything they say is really boring compared to the rest of the movie dialogue.

The End
At the end of the movie Ryan stops remembering the past. He cries and will always remember what Miller said.

tiistai 21. maaliskuuta 2017

Gif Glallery

Picture Gallery

D day Dog Green Sector

Searching Ryans dog tags

Machine gunner shooting at us marines.

Marines have landed

German sniper

US sniper

A tank is burned with a molotov cocktail

Miller crying

Some peaceful time

A man blown up by his own bomb

Miller`s death

German prisoner begs for his life.

tiistai 14. maaliskuuta 2017


Captain Miller

Captain Miller is the leader of the squad. He used to be a teacher before the war. He is weary brave and always tries to be a good role model. He puts his men in order and gets them to fight the enemy not them selves.

James Francis Ryan

Ryan is the man who is hunted for most of the movie. He dosent want to go home because he wants to fight through the war. When he realizes how many men were killed trying to rescue him he changes his mind.

Daniel Jackson

Daniel is a sniper on the squad. He docent really like the idea of rescuing one man. He is weary religious person and a little bit mad. He's a little bit disrespectful but he is really good at shooting.

Timothy.P Upham

Upham is the German and french translation of the squad. He is a bit of a coward and not a weary good fighter. At the end of the movie hes job was to deliver ammo but he panics and allmost gets killed.

Richard Reiben

Richard is the squads machine gunner. He do-sent really like the idea of risking the their lives to save one man. Richard almost leaves the squad when one of him squad mates die.

Stanley Mellish

Stanley believes that Ryan is dead and the mission is useless. He teaches Upham what to do in a fight but gets killed because Upham didn't do his job.

tiistai 7. maaliskuuta 2017

The plot in a nutshell


Saving Private Ryan starts with a old man at a graveyard. He remembers his time in the US army during the second world war. Then the movie cuts to the Omaha beach landing also known as D-DAY. The US marines fight there way trough the German defenders in a bloody battle. Once the battle is over we get introduced to our main character Captain John H. Miller.

Back in the states there are reports that 2 out of 3 kids of the Ryan family have died. The officers decide that the final Ryan can be released of his duty and return home. The job of getting Ryan back home is given to Captain Miller and his squad. They go one a long journey trough many difficult situations. Like an enemy sniper, machine gun bunker, mechanized infantry and a lot more. They try to find Ryan everywhere but it seems hopeless. Until they find some clues from some soldiers.

Once they find Ryan he refuses to leave. He says that he is needed here more than at back home. After some arguing they make a deal. If Miller helps Ryan to defend a bridge he will return home.

They all prepare for the attack build traps and a backup plan. When the Germans attack there is a huge battle and Miller gets killed while trying to destroy a tank.

At the of the movie it cuts back to the graveyard where Ryan is remembering his lost comrades.